How do I get my grown child to speak more Hindi/Urdu?

If you have an adult child who is trying to learn Hindi/Urdu, or can speak broken Hindi or Urdu, here are some tips that will work — I promise!:

  1. Don’t correct your kids while they are talking. Don’t say “that “Th” was wrong.” or make them repeat their “Rd” over and over.

  2. Remember: if you understand them, that is enough.

  3. Encourage them. Remember learning a second language is hard. Honor their efforts and be positive.

  4. Let them make mistakes. The mistakes will fix themselves as they practice speaking with fluent speakers over time.

What if they are wrong? How should I correct them?

They key is don’t nitpick!

Perfect pronunciation is not as important as communicating an idea successfully. If you can understand what they are saying, that is enough.

Of course, feel free to repeat back the correct sentences if they are having trouble communicating an idea — but again, don’t nitpick!

Fluency comes when you feel secure enough to make mistakes.

You got this!


They/Them Pronouns in Hindi